All waters south of the Hood Canal Bridge.
Sund Rock Conservations Area
Waters, tidelands, and bedlands enclosed by a line originating at the shore of Hood Canal, at the mouth of Sund Creek (47º26.4'N, 123º7.1'W), then due east to 123º6.9'W, then due south to 47º26'N, then due west until it intersects the beach, then north along the ordinary high water ine to the point of origin, including all of the underwater feature known as Sund Rock, CLOSED to all harvest, except tideland owners and their families may still harvest CLAMS, OYSTERS, and MUSSELS from their property.
Enetai Hatchery Outfall Closure
Waters within 100 yards of the Enetai Hatchery outfall, CLOSED year-round to fishing for Food Fish.
Big Beef Closure
August 1 to November 30: Waters within 100 yards of the Seabeck Highway NW Big Beef Creek Bridge CLOSED to fishing for Food Fish.
Dewatto, Dosewallips, Duckabush, Hamma Hamma, and Skokomish Mouth Closures
July 1 to September 30: All waters within channels created by exposed tidelands are CLOSED to fishing for finfish.
Octopus Hole Conservation Area
Waters, tidelands, and bedlands of Hood Canal from ordinary highwater to 200 yards due east in an area starting at 47º26.67'N (the first bulkhead south of the sign for Octopus Hold) and extending north 1/3 of a mile to 47º27.02'N are CLOSED to harvest, except tideland owners and their families may still harvest CLAMS, OYSTERS, and MUSSELS from their property.
Waketickeh Creek Conservation Area
Waters and bedlands from Waketickeh Creek (located 1,000 yards NE of Cummings Point) out perpendicular to shore 500 yards, then parallel to shore northeast 1,700 yards, then back to shore along a line perpendicular to shore, excluding the area within 100' of ordinary high water, CLOSED to all harvest.
Tarboo Bay Closures
Waters north of Broad Spit (northern Dabob Bay) CLOSED to SALMON fishing September 16 to December 31.
Hoodsport Hatchery Zone
Waters within a 2000' arc seaward of the yellow marker buoys at the mouth of Finch Creek. January 1 to June 30: same rules as Area 12 - ENTIRE AREA; July 1 to December 31: see Hoodsport Hatchery Zone above for rules. Visitors, please be aware that walking or wading onto private property or tidelands adjacent to the hatchery without permission is considered criminal trespass and will be enforced. Please stay within the state-owned tidelands in front of the hatchery complex. The north and south boundaries are clearly marked by signs and floating buoys for your benefit. Closure of these waters may occur if trespassing continues.
Hoodsport Hatchery Closure
All waters between 2 yellow buoys at the mouth of Finch Creek and the hatchery weir (walkway); and all waters within the channel created by Finch Creek or exposed tidelands, and fishing form any part of the Hoodsport Hatchery structure, CLOSED to fishing year-round, except person with disabilities who permanently use a wheelchair AND who have a designated harvester companion card may fish from the ADA-accessible site at the Hoodsport Salmon Hatchery, provided such persons follow all applicable rules and regulations of the adjoining waters of Marine Area 12.
Hood Canal Shrimp District
All waters of Hood Canal south of the Hood Canal floating bridge.
When used in this guide, this refers to species which occur in our waters irregularly, usually in coastal areas during the summer months and includes barracuda, white sea bass, bonito, yellowtail, and pomfret.