Long Beach: Columbia River north jetty to Leadbetter Point (includes Seaview, Cranberry, Klipsan, Ocean Park, and Oysterville).
Twin Harbors: Northern shore of Willapa Bay (from Toke Point west, not including the beaches within the Shoalwater Bay Indian Reservation) to the Grays Harbor south jetty (includes North Cove, Grayland, and Westport).
Copalis Beach: Grays Harbor north jetty to the Copalis River (includes Ocean Shores, Oyhut, Ocean City, and Copalis).
Mocrocks Beach: Copalis River to the southern boundary of the Quinault Indian Nation (includes Iron Springs, Roosevelt, Pacific Beach, and Moclips).
Kalaloch: Olympic National Park South Beach Campground to Brown's Point (just south of Olympic National Park Beach Trail #3).
RAZOR CLAMS (Siliqua patula) Grows to 6"; fragile, thin elongated shells are covered with shiny, tan lacquer-like skin coating the shell. Found only on Pacific coastal beaches. Razor clam seasons occur only after clam samples have been tested for marine biotoxins by Washington Department of Health (DOH) and are found to be safe for human consumption.
(Areas marked with posts and signs)
Razor clam sanctuaries (Reserves) are 1⁄4 mile sections of coastal ocean beaches located on three beach areas that are used to assist in the management of the razor clam resource. The three areas are marked with metal posts and are signed to designate a "no-digging" area. The three areas are:
Copalis Beach - from a point 0.4 miles south of the Ocean City approach (2nd Ave.) and extending south for 1⁄4 mile.
Twin Harbors Reserve - from the middle of the County Line Rd. approach south for 1⁄4 mile.
Long Beach Reserve - beginning 2.7 miles north of the Oysterville approach and extending north for 1⁄4 mile.